DBOL for Bulking – Gain Muscle Mass and Build Strength Fast
If you want to build mass and improve strength quickly, then Muscle Labs Diandrobol is the mass gainer for you. This legal steroid is designed for athletes and bodybuilders who are looking gain weight, build muscle mass and enhance raw power and strength. Supplements, such as Diandrobol, can deliver immediate strength and weight gains through a potent anabolic process.
D-BOL is a recommended steroid supplement for bulking cycles. The supplement has several advantages ahead of other steroids and can give you a pumped up muscular body in short time. While bodybuilding may just be half the job done, D-BOL will ensure that your weight lifting endeavors and workouts are worth sweating for.
In this article, we will take a look at how D-BOL can be an effective tool during your bulking cycles.
Diandrobol™ the D-BOL Alternative
Diandrobol™, the alternative supplement replica for D-BOL is different. It does exactly what its popular original version did but without any side effects. Its ability to simulate Methandrostenolone effects as made it a favorite among bodybuilder and athletes.
Here are some important guidelines that can help during a D-BOL stacking cycle.
D-BOL Consumption and Dosage
D-BOL is available in oral and injectable form as well. Both are quite safe but oral supplements are understandably lesser painful. Therefore, experts as well as we would suggest our readers to go for oral supplements.
As far as packaging is concerned, each bottle of D-BOL has 100 capsules. Recommended dosage for beginners is around 1-3 per day. If this is followed, a bottle of D-BOL should last up to 6 weeks.
Experienced users can go up to 1-2 capsules per day. If you’re using D-BOL for a long time, a maximum of 3 is allowed by the experts. Exceeding the limits might result in medical problems.
Tips for D-BOL Bulking
If you are looking for D-BOL Bulking, here are few healthy tips that can boost the process and help you avoid unwanted side effects.
Eat Healthy Food for Bulking
There is no better way to optimize your gains than to eat healthy food while using legal steroids. If you’re not following a healthy diet plan, it’s probably useless to stack D-BOL. In fact, you can take more advantage of the situation because of increased levels of macronutrients in your body. It’s high time you add up more calories to your body.
The amount of nutrients going in your body can be divided as follows:
20% Fat
30% Carbohydrates
50% Protein
Workout Routine Bodybuilder Back Workout
Heavy training can lead to great results. Don’t hold yourself back. Instead, you can train more often than usual because your body will be in fast recovery mode. Here is a little suggestion how you can plan your workout for the week.
Chest and Back on Day 1
Arms, abs, and shoulders on Day 2
Calves and Legs on Day 3
Repeat the cycle for next three days and then take a day off.
Food Recommendations
Protein Foods
While on a bulking stack, adding up more protein is vital. East more but eat healthily. Pizza and burgers won’t help. General idea is to eat more and more protein and carbs and there are some really delicious sources for that:
You can even try protein shakes with a touch of sweet to satisfy your sweet tooth. Eat more but eat what benefits your cycle.
D-BOL Stacking with Other Supplements
It’s a good idea to stack D-BOL with other steroids especially during a bulking cycle. We leave you with some useful supplements which you can stack with D-BOL.
Tren is a vital part of a D-BOL Cycle. Trendrolone™ can provide you with the extra bit of energy and strength. Once you stack it with D-BOL, you can avail benefits such as Nitrogen retention, better muscle density, muscle leanness, and higher levels of testosterones.
Also known as Deccabolan™, the anabolic steroid supplement is popular for its ability to break plateaus. It goes beyond providing muscle strength. In fact, it’s a highly recommended supplement because of its joint relief and collagen synthesis boosters. Additional benefits include faster recovery time, bloating prevention, Accelerated protein synthesis, and reduced body fat.
As the name suggests, the primary function of this supplement is to boost the T-levels in your body which will ultimately provide more strength and stamina to work with. The combination of D-BOL and Testosterone-1™ (Pro Androgen)can lead to longer workout sessions and recovery from erectile dysfunction. Testosterone-1™ is also compatible for cutting cycles.
General Dosage Guidelines
All these supplements are available for oral consumption. A minimum of two tablets per day prior to work out should be good enough. You can easily find these supplements on online platforms like Muscle Labs. IN fact, you can find the complete stacks for both cutting and bulking so you won’t have to think much. All products are safe and approved so it’s time to hit the gym like you never did before.